Posted by Tricia on Saturday 1st August
Would you like to get involved in education and research within the School
of Health and Social Care at Bournemouth University?
The Carer and Service User Partnership (CSUP) team led by Angela Warren and
Peter Atkins are actively recruiting patients and carers whose experience can
benefit the students and influence future Health and Social Care workforce. I
met Angela this week and she was extremely helpful and charming. She said that
the partnership has been running for ten years. There are many ways we can get
involved including:
• Speak to groups of student nurses, social workers, midwives,
physiotherapists etc about your experiences;
• Take part in meetings about what students should learn, help academics
plan courses and develop resources;
• Take part in interviewing and selecting students;
• Participate in research projects.
Angela and Peter provide induction, training and support. Travelling
expenses are reimbursed and in addition current payment rate is £10 per hour. If
you do not wish to receive payment for your time, you can request that the money
be donated to a registered charity of your choice (eg Sarcoma UK).
Go to for more information and an application form.