Older People’s Advocacy Alliance

OPAAL and Macmillan Cancer Support want to make sure that older people are supported and enabled to exercise their right, express their views, explore and make informed choices about their care. Yesterday I met two of their volunteers who work with cancer patients in Dorset. I didn’t know anything about this organisation and was very impressed by them and their organisation which is supported by Macmillan.

OPAALOPAAL’s new Cancer, Older People and Advocacy project publication “Every Step of the Way“: 13 stories illustrating the difference that independent advocacy makes to older people affected by cancer  was launched on March 25th 2014.

Clinical Research Network: Wessex Launch Event

Went to the launch event of the Clinical Research Network Wessex on 5th June in Basingstoke. There were speakers from the National Institute for Health Research, Southampton University and Portsmouth Hospitals and there are research trials in many areas of health, not just cancer.

Wessex is third in the Top Ten of Networks in England with the greatest  of number of trials. In 2001 only 4% cancer patients were recruited into clinical trials and in 2013/14 it has risen to 20%. Rarer cancers are described as “orphan” cancers as it is more difficult to open and recruit patients to trials. The aim is to enable more patients to enter trials. The quality of research trials is among the best in the world but there is more work to be done.

If you are a cancer patient or carer and  would like to become involved in the Cancer Research Partnership Group based at Southampton Hospital please contact
Jac Samuel Cancer Research UK senior research nurse

The Cancer Research Partnership Group helps refine cancer research activities, raise awareness of trials and support research through advocacy and engagement, making a valued contribution to all areas of cancer research across the South Coast.

Facts for my GP

Some of the things I will be telling my GP to go with the On The Ball pack:

  • Sarcoma UK are worried that recognition of sarcoma is not as good as it could be. This is because sarcoma is so rare (less than 1% of all cancers in England) and sometimes quite difficult to diagnose. Unfortunately the survival rate is only 55% and the aim is to dramatically increase that.
  • A recent report from Cancer52  on National Cancer Intelligence Network data shows that the survival rate for soft tissue sarcoma is 98% if the GP refers a patient within a month.
  • Statistically speaking, a GP is not likely to see more than one patient with sarcoma in their career lifetime making diagnosis that much more difficult.

Two appalling numbers

As part of their On the Ball campaign, Sarcoma UK has tweeted two astonishing statistics:

  • Only one in four of sarcoma referrals are to a specialist centre.
  • Sarcoma patients wait on average 1½ years for referral.

I find those numbers terrifying and so I applaud Sarcoma UK’s efforts to dramatically improve them. In their strategy for 2014 – 2020 Transforming the landscape for sarcoma they have two targets to deal with this:

  • 100% of people diagnosed with sarcoma will be treated under the care of a sarcoma multi-disciplinary team (compared to only 60% in 2013) (page 19).
  • 80% of people with suspected sarcoma will be referred to hospital for further investigations on their first or second visit to their GP (compared to 2013 where one third of sarcoma patients visit their GP three times or more before referral) (page 15).

Sarcoma UK’s twitter page