Dr Rachael Brastock was our guest speaker this week at our support group. She is the Macmillan Specialist Clinical Psychologist for Dorset and is based at the Weldmar Hospice in Dorchester. She is such a warm person and gave us an excellent presentation about living with cancer. Rachael outlined some theories about being diagnosed and emotional well being and coping. She shared some useful strategies that we, as patients and carers, can use to help cope with anxiety and the uncertainty of cancer. Rachael explained the different levels of psychological support that is available to us in Dorset. It is patchy and she was due to meet with the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and Poole, Bournemouth and Dorchester hospitals to discuss this in a bid to improve availability.
Those of us in the group who have accessed psychological care agreed it proved beneficial and that is is hard to admit to yourself that you are not coping and need help.